Saturday 7 May 2011

Freedom of Information Act - revealing £635 Million pounds of UK Tax payers money

Released May 5th  2011 the spending of the Technology Strategy  Board on UK Research and Development 

News article in Research Fortnightly 18/5/2011

Spreadsheet here in Alphabetical order    indicating £635 Million spend on Research and Development in 2500
companies. The TSB will write to all these companies to inform them  their grant  information is now public. 

Rolls Royce received the largest share as leader of partners of £91Million
Let me know if any errors

Here is the letter about the Freedom of Information Request 

Salaries for TSB staff are here.

Girton Labs Ltd were awarded a share (approx £67,000) of a TSB grant of £683,536 for  SenseBulb technology  but we declined it in Sept 2011.  The SenseBulb is a novel  heat sensing  camera that tracks people and objects and  helps senior people feel safe in their home. Text messages are sent when a person falls or leaves the kitchen with hob unattended. It is a working prototype as image on iPhone shows. The initial design of it's predecessor SenseCam  was designed at Microsoft Research Cambridge. 

more details here

 The project on hold at present until funding obtained but Girton Labs is working on other innovative medical research projects at present. 

  I then decided to use the Freedom of Information Act to see which projects were successful using tax payer's money. You can view the 2500 companies in the spreadsheet and check yourself. 

 My thanks to the below for helping with getting the information and offering business guidance:

  •  Andrew Lansley, UK Health Secretary and his staff
  •  Ravinder Singh, Iain Gray , Richard Harrison, Graham Hutchins, Bob Reid,  of the Technology Strategy Board
  •  Emma Butterfield of Trading Standards, Cambridgeshire
  •  PayPal Fraud Detection, UK and Luxenbourg 
  •  Colin Holloway, Clive Huntley,  Sensory Systems, Swindon
  •  Stephen Telemetry Associates Limited
  •  Dr Nigel Harris Director BIME 
  •  Cambridgeshire Police 
  •  East of England Development Agency 
  •  Nominet 
  •  Others not named here, including Cambridge lawyers

    It has taken 9 months  since Sept 2010 for me to get this information and I thank my friends for their support.

Lyndsay Williams FRSA

Managing Director Girton Labs Ltd, Cambridge, UK
tel +44 (0) 7970 101578.


  1. In what sense is giving the bulk of the budget to major corporations regarded as competitive bidding (referring to the letter)?

  2. Well done Lindsay. This is good work!

  3. Well done Lindsay. This is valuable information, thanks.


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